Yesterday Shaun and I went to PF Changs for a late lunch/early dinner. It was fun but didn't taste as good as it usually does. Shaun ordered some Sweet and Sour Chicken and when he tasted it, it didn't taste right and he said he thought it was Pork. So I tasted it and agreed. It had a different texture and flavor than Chicken. He told our server and he thought we were crazy but took it back to the chef and we were right. He was amazed that we could tell the difference. After dinner we went home and ordered pizza for the kids and then it was time to leave for our play.
Our play was at Pioneer Theatre Company on the University of Utah campus. The play was White Christmas and neither one of us had seen the movie. We didn't even know there was a movie called White Christmas. It was really good! I loved it! Shaun really liked it too but I don't know if he liked it as much as I did though. We met Dustin and Carie at the intermission and they talked about BMW's because Dustin was looking at the new convertible 3 but said they wouldn't offer to let him drive it. Anyway, after the play we drove home in our separate cars and Shaun drove me by a field off of 90th south and about 72nd west where there was a large field with a stable scene of Jesus birth and a real donkey. In the field next to it there were 3 large camels with 3 wise men leading them to the stable. It was really cool and I'd love to go see it again!
I love living here. I love being able to share what Christmas means to me and have others share the same values and beliefs. It's getting harder to live with all of the fun-killers who don't think people should have some kind of value system and some kind of moral compass. There used to be unspoken morals and values that most people lived by but more and more it seems that people just do what they want when they want with no regard to anyone else. It's pretty sad!
On a somewhat brighter note...Heather still hasn't had her baby but I'm super excited and ready whenever that call comes! I really can't wait to welcome baby McEwan into the world. There are a lot of people that already love this baby even though he hasn't shown himself yet! Anytime now!!!